Paket som motsvarar Kickstarterutgåvan och Upgraded Token Bundle. Levereras i tre separata kartonger.
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Animal Specialist Mini-expansion:
- Components: 11 Specialist Cards, 6 Scene Cards, 1 Rulebook, 1
Secretary bird, 1 Hippo, 1 Baboon, 1 Warthog, 1 Cheetah, 1 Ostrich, 1
Buffalo, and 1 Python.
Upgraded Token Bundle
- Components: 1 Cloth bag, 1 Wooden First Player Marker, 4 Wooden Score
Tokens, 6 Wooden Lock Tokens, 26 Wooden Food Tokens, 26 Wooden VFX
Tokens, 36 Wooden Coin Tokens.
WILD: Serengeti is a board game inspired by the endless plains of the Serengeti. This game combines the joy of puzzle-solving with elements of set-collection and engine-building to create a deep and unique strategic experience. The mesmerizing artwork, 3D components and detailed animeeples will guide you straight into the vivid and breathtaking wilds of the Serengeti.
In order to gain victory points, the player must complete Scene Cards by placing the animals on the Main Board in the same pattern as shown on the cards.
To achieve the pattern shown on the Scene Cards, players perform actions to either place or move animals on the Main Board.
When animals are placed on the Main Board in the same pattern as displayed on the Scene Card, the scene can be completed.
When completing Scene Cards the player receives ‘Icons’ or ‘Rewards’. With Rewards, players can earn points or different resources, and with Icons, gain continuous benefits throughout the game.
The game is played through multiple rounds.
A round consists of 3 different phases.
Purchase Phase: Purchase cards and resources.
Building Phase: Build the purchased cards on the territory board.
Action Phase: Roll the dice and activate cards built on the territory board, using dice.