Grundspelet For Science!.
Läs mer på Kickstarterkampanjen för mer information om spelet.
were never supposed to be the ones standing between the Earth and viral
annihilation. So many other groups were better connected, better
funded, better equipped, and had much nicer glossy brochures. But here
you are, an eccentric bunch of researchers, lab workers, bureaucrats,
virologists, and more ready to put it all on the line…
For Science! is a real-time, dexterity and spatial co-op where you first design Cures using cards, then literally Build those Cures using wooden blocks. If a Cure is too hard for you to Build, you can always go back and re-design a new one - but the clock is constantly running, and you only have 15 minutes.
Every successful Cure earns you Master Cure tiles, representing your increasing knowledge of how all these diseases have been constructed. Fit them together to amp up your researchers' special abilities and win the game!