Tramways: Adelaide / Shanghai includes one large, 42cm × 60cm, 2-sided gameboard, folded into 4 sections, with a map of the Adelaide of the 1920s on one side, and a map of Shanghai on the other side. It also includes a A4 rulesheet that explains the rules differences, and the peculiarities of each map.
Both maps are illustrated by Todd Sanders, and these new maps will help highlight the depth of the game, while simulating construction in these two exotic cities, each with its own characteristics.
Shanghai Map special rules (1p-5p):
Players need to handle all along the course of game with a series of bad actions that affects each action.
The winner of the auctions will choose the less worst among:
Only build 2 Rail tiles
Only 2 actions instead of 3
Double destination icons requires
Increase again your stress by 2
No administration phase
Get no revenue from Passengers
Adelaide Map special rules (1p to 5p):
All industries on the Gulf St. Vincent are harbors and are virtually connected...
The big residence in the down town represent the high density of the
city. If your citizens are living the down town to the suburb, you will
get double revenue (Money), but if you move passengers to the down town,
you do not get any revenue...
any double destination icons played is a wild action during your turn and replace any other actions...