Valljeo: Diorama by Marcel Ackle

Bok om Diorama, 184 sidor (engelska)
Referens: 75065
New book belonging to the Scenic Atmosphere editorial line, in which the renowned artist Marcel Ackle shares the procedures and techniques used for building dioramas.

This second volume of the Masterclass series, in which the author shows his personal way of approaching and putting his work into practice, delves into the processes of planning, building and painting different small scenes that, once put together, conform a complete diorama.

Marcel Ackle takes us on a creative journey into the fascinating world of diorama building. Through the creation of a scene, which focuses on an old rural building, he shows us his way of working step by step and the different techniques he has perfected over the years.

Through 14 chapters, the author reveals his techniques, both in construction and painting, as well as exhaustively detailing the planning and design process of the diorama.

The author shows us how to build and paint bricks, plaster, wood, vegetation and accessory elements of different materials, as well as discovering specific techniques to simulate the passage of time and the action of the elements on each of these materials.

Number of pages: 184
Format: A4
Language: English/Spanish
Authors: Marcel Ackle
579 kr
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