D&D 3.0 Compatible: Dragonlance - Races of Ansalon (Begagnad)

First printing 2007.

Skick: Very fine
The Children of the Stars... and of Chaos!

The elves are forces to shape their future amidst the tragedy of exile, while the dwarves struggle to carve their's from internecine strife. The minotaurs proclaim manifest destiny, while the kender look hopefully to life without affliction. The gnomes assemble destiny using cogs and gear shafts, while goblins fight to shake free of the oppressors of the past. Ogres following a cunning leader look forward to a time of imagined glory. Humans gather around bold and enterprising leaders.

Races of Ansalon is a resource for games set in the world of DRAGONLANCE. An encyclopedia of cultures, the book details everything from racial relations and psychology to history and language. The Qualinesti elves and the kender of Hylo are revisited in the light of new information from the novels, while lesser-known breeds such as the ursoi and phaethon are revealed for the first time as fully-imagined player character races. Each chapter is devoted to one of Ansalon's racial types, with additional information on mixed-race characters and an assortment of character options such as alternative class features and prestige classes. An appendix presents racially themed magic items, feats, vital statistics, and cultural weapons so you can make the most out of your Tarmak, half-gnome, or Irda. All information within this volume is fully compatible with the revised edition of the d20 System game.

Ready to try something different? Eager to revisit something familiar? This volume, packed with information gleaned from hundreds of DRAGONLANCE novels and game products, offers something for any player, Dungeon Master, or even a casual reader in the world of Krynn. Races of Ansalon is an essentil resource for any Dragonlance campaign.

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