- Rollspel
Stjärnornas Krig
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Mythworks
- Pathfinder
- Star Wars RPG
- Warhammer 40K Universe Roleplaying Games
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- The One Ring
- Call of Cthulhu RPG
- Mutant: År Noll
- Drakar och Demoner
- Kult: Divinity Lost
- Fria Ligan
- Evil Hat Productions
- Modiphius Entertainment
- Vampire The Masquerade
- Evenemang
- 13th Age
- 1985 Games
- 2c Gaming
- 7th Sea
- 9th Level Games
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- AAW Games
- Acheron Books
- Agate Editions
- Age of Sigmar RPG: Soulbound
- Alien RPG
- Alternity
- Andrews McMeel
- Arbitrio Games
- Arion Games
- Arkham Horror RPG
- Ars Magica
- Atlantis
- Atlas Games
- Avatar Legends RPG
- Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game
- Black Armada Games
- Black Lantern Studio
- Black Void
- Blade Runner RPG
- Bläckfisk Förlag
- Bully Pulpit Games
- Burning Wheel
- Castles & Crusades
- Catalyst Game Labs
- Changeling: The Dreaming
- Changeling: The Lost
- Chaosium
- Chock
- Clockwork & Chivalry
- Conan the Roleplaying Game
- Coriolis
- Corporation
- Cosy Coven
- Critical Kit
- Cthulhu Invictus
- CthulhuTech
- Cubicle 7 Entertainment
- Cyberpunk
- D&D Frameworks
- Darrington Press
- Deadlands
- Death in space
- Deck & Dice Games
- Deck of Stories
- Deep-Cut Studio RPG Maps
- Degenesis
- Delta Green
- Doctor Who RPG
- Dragon Age
- Dragon Warriors
- Dune: Adventures in the Imperium RPG
- Dungeon Craft
- Dungeon Crawl Classics
- Earthdawn
- Echoes from Fomalhaut
- Eclipse Phase
- Eloso Förlag
- En Garde!
- EN Publishing
- Ensamma Vargen
- Eventyr Games
- Evil Genius Games
- Exalted
- Exalted Funeral
- Exile Game Studio
- Fading Suns
- Fantasy!
- FASA Corporation
- Fat Goblin Games
- Fate of the Norns
- Firelock Games
- Forbidden Lands
- Frog God Games
- Fudge
- Games Omnivorous
- Geek Tank Games
- Genesys
- Ghostfire Gaming
- Goodman Games
- Green Ronin
- Guldfink Förlag
- Götterdämmerung
- HackMaster
- Harnmaster
- Hellboy RPG
- Hjältarnas Tid
- Hunter: The Reckoning
- Hutchingsonian Presents
- Infinite Black
- Infinity RPG
- Inkwell Ideas / DungeonMorph
- Invisible Sun
- Iron Kingdoms RPG
- Japanime Games
- Journey To Ragnarok
- Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD
- Juegorama
- Kenzer & Company
- Khelataar
- Kill Jester
- Kobold Press
- Kopparhavets Hjältar
- Kult (Äventyrsspel)
- KULT: Den Förlorade Gudomligheten
- Kutulu
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Legend
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Letiman Games
- Leviathan
- LexOccultum
- Loke Battlemats
- Lone Wolf
- Lost Bay Studio
- Mage: the Ascension
- Mage: The Awakening
- Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade
- Magpie Games
- Mana Project Studio
- Megaton Games
- Metamorphosis Alpha
- Midnight
- Mind's Eye Theatre
- Mongoose Publishing
- MonteCook Games
- Montford Tales
- Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme
- Mothership
- Mouse Guard
- Mutant & Mutant Chronicles (äldre och begagnat)
- Mutant Chronicles RPG
- Mutant Crawl Classics
- Mutant: Undergångens Arvtagare
- My Little Pony / Tails of Equestria
- Mylingspel
- Mörk Borg
- NDP Design
- Necrotic Gnome
- Neotech & Neoviking
- New Comet Games
- Night's Black Agents
- Nightfall Games
- Noir
- Onyx Path Publishing
- Osprey Games
- Outbreak Undead
- Outgunned
- Palladium
- Parable Games
- Paradigm Concepts
- Paranoia
- Pelgrane Press
- Peryton Publishing
- Polaris
- Portal
- ProFantasy
- Pugmire
- Reality Blurs
- Renegade Game studios
- Rite Publishing
- Rock Manor Games
- Rolemaster
- Roll and Play
- Root RPG
- Rowan, Rook and Decard
- Ruin Masters
- Runequest
- Rävsvans
- Saga 2.0
- Sagan om Ringen
- Savage Mojo
- Savage Worlds
- Schwalb Entertainment
- Scion 2nd Ed
- Sea of Thieves
- Sentinel Comics
- Shadowrun
- Sigil Entertainment
- Sinkadus & Rubicon
- Solace Games
- Soloäventyr
- SoulMuppet
- Space 1889
- Spelljammer Adventures in Space
- Star Trek Adventures
- Star Trek RPG
- Starfinder
- Starfinder Battles Deep Cuts
- Stargate SG-1 RPG
- Steel Sqwire Templates
- Steve Jackson Games
- Stjärnornas Krig
- Storybrewers
- Sundial Games (Quest Calendar)
- Svavelvinter
- Sword & Sorcery
- Symbaroum
- Talisman Adventures RPG
- Tenebris
- Tenfold Dungeon
- The Dark Eye
- The Design Mechanism
- The End of the World
- The Gauntlet
- The Melsonian Arts Council
- The Strange RPG
- The Walking Dead Universe RPG
- The Witcher
- The Yellow King RPG
- Through the Breach
- Titan Games
- Torg
- Trail of Cthulhu
- Traveller
- Trinity Continuum
- Troll Lord Games
- Troubleshooters
- Trudvang Adventures 5E
- Trudvang Chronicles
- Tunnels & Trolls
- Twin Engine
- Two Little Mice
- Urban Shadows
- Viking
- Vildhallon förlag
- Vulcania RPG
- W.R.K.S Games
- Wayfarers
- Werewolf: the Apocalypse
- Werewolf: the Forsaken
- Western
- Wet Ink Games
- WizKids Critical Role
- Wizkids Death Saves
- Wizkids Deep Cuts unpainted / Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures
- World of Darkness
- World of Darkness: Dark Ages
- World of Deuslair
- Wraith: The Oblivion
- Würm
- Yeldstuff
- Zombicide: Chronicles
- Äventyr
- Övriga Rollspel
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